Interview with Haley Hoffman Smith the CEO and Founder of Lit Without Limits!

Additionally, she is an innovation consultant at the Italia Innovation Program and the director of Community at the Next Gen Summit.
You can check out Lit Without Limits at: www.Lit Without
Thank you so much for taking the time to interview with Chapter1! Let’s begin.
Aside from classes at Brown and the extra curricular activities, you also run two companies: Lit Without Limits - a nonprofit and She is Without Limits - a for profit organization. Let’s start with Lit Without Limits. How was it founded? What was the inspiration behind it?
Yes! It was founded right after my freshman year of college. I had an idea to donate used textbooks abroad and couldn't shake the desire to do so. My mom urged me to think deeper about the value I wanted to bring to the world - and because I'd mentored girls throughout high school, it felt like a good point of synergy to combine my love for reading with my love for women empowerment. So, Lit Without Limits was born!
How do you determine the focus of geographical locations to donate the books and offer mentorship?
A lot of it is how I can make connections in those locations - I wanted to make sure that the leader of each chapter was devoted to the mission. So it began in the United States because of my partnership with GirlTalk - a nonprofit where high school girls mentor middle school girls. They have chapters across the states, so we gaged interest and sent books to the chapters that asked for them. From there, I began an Ambassador Program on social media which captured the attention of women overseas. That's how we were able to establish the connections to send books to Pakistan, the Philippines, etc.
Approximately, how many books have the company donated so far?
I'd say 300 or so!
Do you do follow ups to the recipients of the books and mentorship? If so, what kind of feedback and success stories have you heard back from them?
I do! I received pictures of the girls with the books and testimonials. I was aiming to shift girls' feelings of possibility, the sense of "I can." And the story of Malala (since we were donating I Am Malala) really seemed to do that effectively from what they were articulating about what they were learning. An unintended consequence was also the sense of connection the girls felt with girls in other countries, as a result of the Ambassador program and online community.
Tell us about She is Without Limits. Is the website an extension to the book? What kind of stories do you look for?
The website is a place for women to share their stories - just as I shared mine in the book! We look for really any story. We believe all women have a story to tell and an identity to be proud of, and that the basis of female connection and empowerment begins with this storytelling.
How have the stories from various different women inspired you? Do you have a different perspective on your goals and values after reading from many different experiences of each women?
The many walks of life and diversity of stories remind me that the world is big, but the connection amongst women in sisterhood make the world feel smaller. It has shifted my goals in the sense of defining my own success as the widespread empowerment of women and connection TO women, rather than me rising to success as one individual.
What are your plans upon graduation? Do you see yourself working on your current companies full time?
I would love to continue the work I do at Brown as President of Women's Entrepreneurship by consulting with startups and those who hope to begin their own companies. Although I have learned so much from both of my companies, I think the time has come to move on from them. I can use what I've learned to help others. Entrepreneurship will never love its spark to me.
With school, extra curricular activities, 2 companies, and even more involvement in the entrepreneurial space, how do you manage your time in order to work on all of them? Can you give us any tips/advice on time management skills especially for the student readers who are aspiring and struggling to do the same?
Absolutely - first of all I'd like to say that it certainly isn't easy, and those who make it look easy are lying. You have to value self-care above all or everything starts to collapse. There are some weeks that drag because I'm so behind and too tired to catch up. But, I use Google Keep to organize my many different responsibilities - you can make different color sticky notes and your to do list. Every morning, I survey the sea of to-do lists and prioritize what I NEED to get done that day, and make a sticky note for the day. And I go easy on myself if I can't do it all, and I celebrate my tenacity if I get it all done. I also ask for help and I'm not afraid to do so. Lean on a team that can pick up some of the slack. As a manager, you shouldn't be afraid to get your hands dirty, but remember that you hold the creative vision and need to delegate to achieve it.
Any advice for our aspiring entrepreneurs?
Never stop learning! Always be looking for advice. Even when you've experienced relative success, consider yourself an infant in the business world. Soak in all the advice and know-how you can get, from everyone. Don't be afraid to pivot on your idea and START BEFORE YOU'RE READY. Put your heart into your work, but know when to show it to the world. The desire to make something perfect is what holds so many of us back. True creativity and ultimate success is messier than that.
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